Don’t Have Much Job Experience? Here’s How You Can Still Find a Fantastic Job

 In Job Search Tips and Tricks

Finding a new job can be time-consuming and at times frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be! When you work with a recruiter, you’re placing your future in the hands of an expert. Your recruiter will work with you to understand your career needs and help you find a job you love. But that’s not all!

Benefits of working with a recruiter for your next job

How do you usually handle your job search? If you’re like many people, you probably get your resume ready, then visit job sites such as Monster or LinkedIn, and scroll through job openings. You might even grab a newspaper to look for available jobs. But did you know many employers work exclusively with recruiters, so some open jobs aren’t even posted? It’s true! When you work with a recruiter, you’ll get access to the “hidden” job market, which can make your chances of finding a great job that much easier.

Take advantage of training opportunities

Some staffing agencies offer more than just job-search assistance. They may also provide training to increase your job skills. So why is that important? Well, the more education and experience you have, the more jobs you’ll qualify for. Plus, job candidates with more skills often land work at higher pay grades. This is good news!  Knowledge is power, and it’s always a good choice to expand yours through training opportunities.

What about temporary positions?

Even though you might be looking for a full-time permanent position, it never hurts to accept a temp placement. That’s because many employers looking to hire full-time workers will first hire temps. This way, an employer can get to know you by working with you first—and some temp jobs lead to offers of permanent employment. Beyond that, temporary positions also allow you build your job experience and skills. This can help you figure out what you like, shape your career path and boost your resume.

Partner with a recruiting expert

If you’re in search of a recruiter in Paris, TN (or beyond!), check out Hamilton-Ryker! We place candidates with light industrial and administrative positions. Plus, our innovative workforce development program helps you gain the skills you need to move ahead in your career. To learn more, contact one of our experienced recruiters today!

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