Truth or Myth: Do Staffing Firms Charge Candidates to Find a Job?

 In Job Search Tips and Tricks

If you’re apprehensive about recruiters because you think they charge a fee—don’t worry! It’s completely free to partner with a recruiter, and it’s a common misconception for job seekers to think there’s a charge. In reality, recruiters work for employers and many are paid contingent on finding successful candidates for that employer. So you can be sure they stake their reputation on the quality of the job matches they make. And for this reason, they want you to find a position for which you’re 100 percent qualified.

Five advantages of working with a recruiter

Still not convinced? A recruiter can help your job search, as well as your overall career. Check out five benefits you’ll get from your candidate-recruiter relationship:

  1. Get noticed by employers. Since many employers work with staffing agencies to locate new employees, a recruiter makes it easier to get your resume onto a hiring manager’s desk. This can be much trickier when you’re searching on your own.
  2. Access the “hidden” job market. For many employers, hiring a staffing agency is a no-brainer for finding new employees. This means many job openings never hit websites such as Monster or Indeed. Instead, recruiters scour valuable career sites such as LinkedIn on behalf of employers to find potential talent—and reach out directly for interviews. This is considered the “hidden” job market, and you can tap into it when you work with a recruiter.
  3. Improve your chances of getting hired. Companies who are paying a staffing agency for placements expect expert results. If you’ve been contacted by a recruiter, you know your skills and experience match a very specific set of qualifications. This can greatly increase your chance of being hired for a job opening.
  4. Boost your resume. Another service offered by staffing agencies is temp work. For many employers, this is a perfect way to meet potential full-time hires and see if they match well with the company. For you, temporary assignments provide a chance to try something new, learn new skills and build up your resume. Plus, if you’re a good fit for the company, a temp assignment could lead to an offer of permanent employment.
  5. Get career coaching tips. A recruiter wants you to succeed. Plus, they’re experts at what they do. Your recruiter will help you clean up your resume, plus offer interview coaching and advice.

If you’re ready, contact a recruiter for your next job

And if you’re in search of light industrial or administrative work in Versailles, Kentucky, and beyond, Hamilton-Ryker can help! We work with candidates to develop your career skills and move forward to jobs you love. To learn more, contact us today!

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