Four Tips for Creating Loyalty Among Light Industrial Workers

 In HR and Management Tips

Staff turnover can cripple a manufacturing facility or industrial plant. Not only is it expensive, it can halt production and put more work on the shoulders of your permanent laborers. To avoid turnover, it helps for employers to build loyalty among light industrial workers. This can mean the difference between low productivity and poor attitudes, and hardworking staff that serve as your best advocates.

Four ways to build employee loyalty

  1. Require work-life balance. You should do more than encourage your workers to take time off for themselves and their families—make it a necessity. Your laborers need a balance between the hours they put in at work and their personal lives, to rest, refresh and rejuvenate. Communicate you care, and time for medical appointments, family commitments and vacations is important.
  2. Show appreciation. It’s critical to job satisfaction that your staff know you value their work. Show your appreciation through little things every day: simply saying thanks, recognizing hard work in an employee newsletter or intranet, bringing in treats like coffee and donuts, or even offering awards and incentives for project completion.
  3. Don’t work short-staffed. A skeleton crew can only function for so long before productivity—and loyalty—start to dwindle. Hire temp workers when you need them to round out your workforce and preserve your permanent workers.
  4. Lend an ear. Keep an “open-door policy” for the questions and concerns of your workers. Then, act on thoughts and good suggestions to show your staff you’re listening, and you care. They’re closest to the work, and very often the opinions and ideas of your staff can help you improve workforce processes, policies and procedures.

Commit to the well-being of your workers

The best company cultures provide support to employees. You can make yours great by taking good care of your workers—and build staff loyalty in return.

Looking to staff up?

If you’re in search of light industrial workers in Tupelo, MS and beyond, check out Hamilton-Ryker. We’ll work with you to understand your staffing needs and place highly qualified candidates. To learn more, contact us today!

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