Keep it Professional: The Email Etiquette Guide You Need When Applying to a Temp Job

 In Job Search Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for a temp job, it’s valuable to work with a recruiter. And when you reach out to introduce yourself, you’ll want to write a professional email. If you’re not sure what to say or how to structure your email—don’t worry! Just follow these industry-leading tips.

Five winning email tips for job seekers

To inquire about a job or simply contact a recruiter because you’re looking, use these top five email techniques:

  1. Send from a professional email account. First, set up an email account that establishes you as a professional. For example, sounds much better than It’s easy and free of charge to register for an email account on many different sites.
  2. Use a simple, straight-forward subject line. Your subject line should be clear, concise and explain exactly why you’re reaching out. Recruiters get many emails each day, and a simple subject line will help them sort through messages. It also helps make your intentions clear before a recruiter even opens your email—and may even entice them to do so. An example could include the title of the job you’re interested in, or even “Looking for a recruiter partner” if you’re just reaching out. Never leave your subject line blank.
  3. Structure your message like a business letter. Write a salutation (e.g., Dear Mary Olsen) and a few paragraphs with full sentences introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in learning more. Do not use acronyms or jargon if you can avoid it.
  4. Include an actionable signature. End your email with a signature that includes your name, current job title, phone number and a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  5. Review and edit. Just like everything else, practice makes perfect when writing your email. Before you hit “send,” review for any typos, spelling mistakes or poor grammar. If you’re unsure, look it up or ask a friend or colleague.

Looking for a temp job in Madison, MS?

Hamilton-Ryker can help! We work with candidates for light industrial and administrative opportunities. Plus, our innovative workforce development program helps you gain the skills you need to move ahead in your career. To learn more, contact us today!

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