Cover Letter Catch-Up: Everything You Need to Include to Get Hired

 In Job Search Tips and Tricks

When applying to a job, your cover letter is the first thing that catches a hiring manager’s eye. Yours should be well written to introduce you and entice the reader to check out your resume—helping to prove you’re the right fit for an interview, and the job.

What to include in a top-notch cover letter

You can craft an expert cover letter with these tips:

  • Use a header that matches your resume. The same idea as stationery, many people add a header to their documents that shows they’re part of the same set. This uniformity makes your resume and cover letter look that much more professional. Your header can be something simple that includes your name, title and contact information.
  • Choose a fitting salutation. In most cases, “Hello,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,” will work, but of course if you know the name of the person who will be reviewing your resume and cover letter, use that. “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To whom it may concern” can seem too stuffy.
  • Summarize your skills and experience. The body of your cover letter should include specific details about what you do and what you’ve accomplished in your career. Choose details that directly apply to the job to which you’re applying. Describe how your skills have helped past employers.
  • Include a story to help illustrate your point. If a picture speaks a thousand words, a story is not far behind. People like stories and you can use a short anecdote to explain why you’ve chosen your career path, why you’re passionate about what you do, and how this has brought you to want to work for this company.
  • Close with how you will follow up. It helps to be direct and say you’ll follow up with the company in a specific amount of time. Two weeks is usually a safe bet. This shows your commitment to being hired.

Always proofread

This is just as important as what content you include in your cover letter. Read it backwards and forwards (literally) to check for grammar and spelling errors. Ask a close friend or family member to review it, as well.

When your documents are ready, contact Hamilton-Ryker

If you’re looking for a new job in Covington, TN and beyond, Hamilton-Ryker is your top choice. We’re a staffing agency that will work with you to find a job you love. We specialize in positions in office/administrative, human resources, light industrial, IT and engineering. To learn more, contact us today!

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