5 Mistakes to Avoid on Your First Day of Work

 In Career Advancement

You landed that job. Congratulations! Nothing is more exciting (and nerve-wracking!) than that first day on the new job. We’re here to steer you around some of the most common pitfalls to make sure you get off on the right foot.

Here are five mistakes to avoid on your first day of work

Showing up late

This sounds pretty obvious, but it happens. It really can ruin your first impression, even if you have an excuse. Avoid this by confirming your start time and double-checking every factor in advance. Set two alarms if you have trouble waking up. Do a trial run of the route between your home and work at the time you expect to commute. If you take a bus that should get you there just in time, take the one before.

Dressing inappropriately

You don’t want to wear jeans in a professional environment; however, you also don’t want to show up in a suit if everyone else is in jeans and work boots. You should have gotten an idea of the dress code when you were in the building for the interview, but check with your contact as well. You’d hate to find out the hard way that you interviewed on their once-a-quarter jeans day. Whatever you wear, make sure that it’s clean, unwrinkled and in good condition.

Focusing on WIIFM (What’s in it for me?)

You’ll have a lot of questions and that’s fine, but your first day shouldn’t revolve around, “What time is my break?” and “Where’s the coffee?” Just because you got the job doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your best to make a great impression on everyone you meet. Your number one priority on day one should be confirming the company made a great decision in hiring you, not finding out where the donuts are.

Being too relaxed

Address people the way they request. Don’t decide that James should be Jimmy or call Mrs. Smith, Betty if that’s not how she was introduced. Don’t check your phone or otherwise get distracted from the task at hand. Remain focused on learning people’s names and roles, the goals and expectations for your position and getting a handle on the company culture.

Not asking questions.

A lot will be thrown at you the first day and you can only take so many notes. If you’re not sure about something, ask for clarification. It can be tempting to try to look like you know what you’re doing but asking ensures you avoid mistakes. Also, your supervisor will want to see you have some intellectual curiosity about the company and your job.

Need help finding a new job, or want tips on how to earn that next promotion at your current company? Contact the experts at Hamilton-Ryker. We want to help you be your best!

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