Ten Skills That Will Help You Land a High Paying Job

 In Career Advancement

Want to get ahead in your career? You may be comfortable with what you’re doing now, but know it’s not what you want to do forever. And if this is the case, you can tack on certain key skills to help yourself advance in the future.

Here are ten job skills you need to remain competitive:

  1. Be good at what you do. It goes without saying that to advance you should be good at your job. Learn everything you can about what you do and take steps to be the best you can be. If there are specialized skills you can learn, such as computer programs or how to use special equipment—find out what training you need. Ask you manager or recruiter for help.
  2. Solve problems. Critical thinking is key at any level of employment. But managers and leaders are able to look at a situation and determine a solution that works well for most, if not all, parties involved. When you notice an issue that needs a solution, offer your ideas and how to make things run more smoothly. You’ll be able to develop this skill over time.
  3. Communicate well. Good communication—both written and verbal—is essential to be good at what you do. To do this, work on the clearest way to convey your thoughts, and learn how to tailor your message to various audiences. For example, the way you explain something to a co-worker is different from the way you explain the same thing to someone not familiar with the topic.
  4. Manage projects. Project management is a valuable skill that helps companies plan, execute and complete projects so the business can advance. You can learn more about project management by reading up on it, taking a course, and practicing. Talk to your boss about adding more responsibility when it comes to running projects.
  5. Learn another language. Bilingual workers are valuable in any career path. As varied populations increase in the United States, so does the opportunity to get ahead by increasing your ability to communicate. You might choose Spanish, French or even American Sign Language, depending on your field.
  6. Develop emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence are in tune with how their actions affect other people. You can improve your ability to work well with others when you can interpret the actions of those around you.
  7. Help out when you can. Good service—to customers or your coworkers—is an important skill, especially in the age of social media. Dazzling customers sets your company ahead and helps promote positive social feedback.
  8. Practice teamwork. The ability to work well with others is valuable in any field. It paves the way for positive work environment and the ability to lead.
  9. Motivate your co-workers. The best leaders are able to encourage the behavior of others. If you have dreams of becoming a leader, you can start now as a cheerleader for hard work and dedication to common goals at work.
  10. Be flexible. This helps you apply your skills to other fields beyond the one you currently work in.

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