Five Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Recruiter

 In Career Advancement

Your recruiter relationship is valuable to your career. Recruiters are experts at what they do, and work with you to understand your career aspirations. Your recruiter wants to place you with a job you’ll enjoy and be good at—whether temporary or long-term! So while working with your recruiter, it’s good to stay in touch to help them do the very best with your job placement.

Consider these ways to reach out to your recruiter during your job search process:

  1. Check in – by phone or email. If you’re currently in search of a new job, ask about open job opportunities that might fit your skill set. Or if you’ve applied to a job through your recruiter, ask about the process and whether or not the employer has made a selection.
  2. Provide feedback. If you’re currently working at a job your recruiter has placed you with, it’s still good to check in and let them know how things are going. Chances are you’ll want to look around for a new job at some point, and your feedback will help your recruiter make solid job matches for you.
  3. Ask for job advice. Your recruiter is a skilled and experienced career coach. He or she can give you tips on your resume and cover letter, plus tips for your next interview. If your recruiter has placed you with a possible job opportunity and you have questions about how to prepare, give them a call!
  4. Stay open. After you meet with a recruiter, it’s much easier for them to place you with an opportunity if they know there’s a chance you’ll accept it. It’s always a good idea to keep an open mind—as well as an open schedule.
  5. Be responsive. If your recruiter calls or emails you, always return their call as soon as you can. Your recruiter is working on a tight schedule and needs fast feedback to find a suitable candidate for job openings. Plus, your recruiter stakes their reputation on the quality of job matches—so if they contact you, there’s a good chance you’re high up in the running!

Don’t give up!

The right job for you is out there, and your recruiter will help you find it. Sometimes it may take time for the right job opportunity to pop up.

Looking for a recruiter?

Check out Hamilton-Ryker. We’ll work with you to find light industrial or administrative job opportunities. To learn more, contact us today!

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