What Your Interview Strategy Should Look Like in 2019

 In Career Advancement

The job market can be competitive—especially depending on your field. So when you’ve scheduled an interview, possibly for your dream job, you really want to ace it! The key is to master two important aspects of a killer interview: to be the very best candidate of all potential choices, and to stand out so your interviewers just can’t get you out of their minds (in a good way!).

Five ways to stand out in your interview

As you formulate your 2019 interview strategy, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Catch more flies with honey. As the saying goes: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Translation: be ultra nice to everyone you meet during your interview! It was probably already part of your plan to be kind, but extend this to every person you come across: from the parking attendant to the receptionist, to people you pass in the hallway, and (of course!) to your interviewers. Smile, say hello, and be positive.
  2. Get ready for your close-up. It always helps to look good for your interview, and you can go one further by choosing an outfit that’s memorable. No, you don’t need to show up in a clown costume (unless you’re interviewing for the circus!) and your outfit should stay within acceptable industry standards. But, that doesn’t stop you from choosing a show-stopping outfit that incorporates fun colors, interesting patterns or a statement piece (like a necklace or tie) that has a story behind it.
  3. Read up on your interviewers. If you can, find out who you’ll be meeting with and do a little research to find some common ground. Check the company website and the interviewer’s social media for similar interests, such as sports teams, music or hobbies. You don’t want this to be the sole focus of your interview, but it can help break the ice in the beginning—and cement you in the minds of your interviewers.
  4. Plan your questions. Always, ALWAYS go into an interview prepared to ask questions. Choose 3-5 good questions beforehand and jot them down. It’s possible some will be answered during the course of the interview, so it’s always good to have a few spares ready to go. Choose questions that will help you make your decision if the job is offered to you, such as:
    • Why did the previous person leave this position?
    • How many others are in the running for this position?
    • Based on what we’ve talked about today, how are my chances of getting a callback?
    • What other questions can I answer to help you make your final decision?
    • What does it take to excel at this job?
  5. Pen a thank you note. Handwritten thank you notes are unusual these days, with the majority of candidates relying on email. A personalized note would definitely set you apart. However, if you choose to go this route, be sure to get your note into the mail ASAP—since snail mail may take a day or two to reach your interviewers.

Looking for more interview tips?

Hamilton-Ryker can help! We work with candidates to find exciting new jobs—and we’re waiting for your call! To learn more, contact us today!



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