Six Tips for Returning to the Workforce as a Veteran

 In Career Advancement

You’ve spent some time in the service of our country and now you’re ready to jump back into the workforce. But you may feel a little apprehensive—after all, job hunting can be time-consuming and challenging. Depending on the field in which you’re looking, it can be competitive, and employers can be suspicious of gaps in work history. Even still, you can take steps to make your job search much easier. Here’s how!

Six Steps for Re-entering the Workforce

You can start the next leg of your career journey with a bang when you follow these steps:

  1. Write a functional resume. This type of resume is best for those just out of college or who don’t have much work history to list. A functional resume instead focuses on your skills. After your objective statement, create blocks for each of your job skills. For example, if you list Exceptional communication skills, you would fill that section with specific examples of how you are an expert communicator. Then, use your cover letter to explain your job gap, what skills you learned from your time in the military that are applicable to the working world. Don’t forget to say why you’re a great hiring choice!
  2. Build up your experience. To add more to your skills section, take some time before your job search to volunteer or take an online course. Think about what skills you may need for the type of job you’ll be seeking and focus on gaining them.
  3. Utilize all resources. You can put yourself out there by posting your resume to and You can also search for local job sites, plus build up your LinkedIn profile to match your resume. Recruiters and hiring managers spend a lot of time on these sites, and you could be contacted if you match well with a job opening.
  4. Get interview-ready. It may take more than just an impressive resume to land your next job. Practice answering common interview questions and get a professional outfit ready. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll be—and confidence is important!
  5. Ask for advice. How can you improve your job search and what do you need to do to prepare? Practice interviewing with a friend or family member and ask their honest advice. Consider working with a career coach if you feel you need more guidance.
  6. Work with a recruiter. As equal parts job hunter and career coach, a recruiter is a valuable partner in your career journey. He or she will work with you to understand your career goals, find potential job opportunities and prepare for interviews.

You Can Do It!

Re-entering the workforce may seem daunting, but your hard work, passion and confidence will prevail. Your own positive attitude is your single most valuable tool to land your next job.

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