Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Administrative Staff?

 In HR and Management Tips

There’s a noticeable difference between motivated and apathetic employees. Motivated employees are happy to be working, jovial with co-workers, eager to do their best and help move your company forward. Your administrative staff helps everyone stay on task by tracking phone calls, meetings, events and other important tasks around the office. Your business runs more smoothly if your administrative staff is positive and productive—and you can encourage this with the right management techniques.

Five Ways to Motivate Your Administrative Workers

As an inspiring manager, you can follow these five tips to motivate your employees and help them work to their fullest potential:

  1. Clear Responsibilities. When your employees aren’t clear on what they’re trying to accomplish, it creates confusion, frustration, and diminished job performance. To avoid this, outline exactly what you need your admins to do each day, and give them guidance on how to manage their daily workload (such as creating a to-do list).
  2. Performance Appraisals. Giving your employees regular feedback helps them understand what to continue and what to work on. It’s the only way for your workers to gauge how they’re doing, so they can understand what you expect of them—and deliver it!
  3. Opportunities to Learn. Don’t let your talent stagnate. Give your administrative staff the chance to expand their skill set through training, coursework and tuition reimbursement. Let them explore their career by trying different tasks and expanding their responsibilities.
  4. Incentives and Rewards. Challenge your admins to work hard, and meet or exceed goals, with the promise of a prize at the end of the journey. An incentive program encourages your admins to accomplish goals while working towards something. The most inspiring incentive is cash, but other ideas include company merchandise, gift cards and paid time off.
  5. A Simple Thank You. Your gratitude goes a long way toward motivating your staff. Just swinging by someone’s desk to thank them for a job well done helps build a positive and supportive workplace, which is very motivating.

Need Help?

Your staffing agency may offer training and development opportunities for your administrative employees. Check with your recruiter to find out what services are offered to help workers learn and grow.

Check Out Hamilton-Ryker!

We specialize in the placement of administrative staff. To learn more about what we offer and how we can help your business, contact us today!

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