Does Your Company Have an Electrical Safety Program?

 In HR and Management Tips

Electrical safety is key to a business’s overall safety plan. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) estimates that 420 electrical injuries occurred in the construction industry in 2016. Over half of deaths from electrical accidents occur in the construction industry each year.

On average, a worker who suffers an electrical injury spends five days out of work, costing job sites and employers lost productivity and time. Preventing these injuries thus benefits a business’s bottom line in addition to protecting worker health.

Here are several key factors to consider when creating an electrical safety program for your organization:

1. Use the Standards Available

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have created several standards for electrical safety.

Many US workplaces are required to adhere to these standards, but even if your workplace is exempt, the standards provide a clear, comprehensive pattern to follow in creating an electrical safety program.

2. Examine the Needs of Your Particular Project

OSHA and the NFPA require employers to develop electrical safety programs that “direct activity appropriate for the voltage, energy level, and circuit conditions.” Awareness and self-discipline are a must when creating electrical safety programs that address the projects your teams face.

3. Make Safety Part of Your Culture

When training new staff, teach them that the “right” way to do things is the way that follows safety procedures and protocols. When safety is part of doing the job well, rather than a set of rules overlaid on the work, it becomes easier for workers not only to follow safety procedures but to take pride in doing so as part of having done their jobs well.

4. Hire with Safety in Mind

When seeking new workers, ask specific questions about electrical safety during the hiring process. For instance, you might ask them to describe the electrical safety protocols they used in a past project, or you might ask what they would do if they saw a co-worker doing electrical work in a way that the candidate knew was dangerous.

Ready to Boost Your Business?

At Hamilton Ryker, we can administer safety training for our clients, so that temporary workers are safety ready before they begin work. Contact us today to learn more.

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