Close Your Workplace Skills Gaps NOW!

 In HR and Management Tips

Skills gaps can be detrimental to a company. When your teams don’t have the right mix of skills, productivity is hindered, and you can’t make the most of the tools, platforms, or technologies that are available.

Competition for top talent is fierce, particularly with candidates that have in-demand skills that aren’t easily found. Luckily, there are approaches that can help you close skill gaps efficiently, even in a competitive hiring landscape.

By upskilling your workforce, you can close skill gaps quickly and efficiently. If you want to make the most of your training program, here’s what you need to know.

Take a Deep Dive into the Data

You can’t close a skill gap if you don’t know it exists. Before you implement any new training initiatives, you need to examine your employee data.

Start by exploring job descriptions. This allows you to understand what skills are necessary to excel in the role, creating a point of comparison against the employee’s skill level. See what skills are currently present and identify those that are either missing or underdeveloped. On the team level, you can also consider which skills may be underrepresented.

Once you have this information, you can prioritize your training efforts. Determine which skills represent the most significant ROI. The goal is to identify skills that can be put to use immediately and result in a substantial gain. That way, you can focus your training investment in the best area possible.

Embrace the Right Training Solution

After learning about the skill gaps that exist in your workforce, you can develop a professional development strategy that’s designed to address those shortcomings. Precisely what approach is ideal will depend on your unique needs. However, there are customizable solutions available that can adapt to nearly any requirements, allowing you to achieve your workforce development goals with greater ease.

The Hamilton Ryker TalentGro division focuses solely on creating total workforce training solutions that can close critical skill gaps quickly. It combines smart candidate sourcing with skill development, ensuring your teams are as capable as possible.

TalentGro includes the following assessment tools and skill development programs:

  • Industrial Skills Testing
  • Administrative Skills Testing
  • Safety Training
  • Soft Skill Development
  • Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Programs*
  • Virtual Reality Training
  • And More

*Scholarships are currently available to help pay for apprenticeship curriculum for employers.  To find out more information, click here.

Additionally, TalentGro is a workforce development solution designed with companies in mind. The process always begins with a thorough assessment of the organization’s needs. This ensures that the training solution is customized appropriately, covering every key area without anything extraneous.

Plus, TalentGro is as comprehensive as it is flexible. It allows organizations to address skill gaps and cultivate the talented and capable workforce they need not just to excel today, but into the future as well.

Are You Ready to Close Your Workplace Skill Gaps?

At Hamilton-Ryker, we pride ourselves in offering effective and efficient training solutions designed to meet the needs of today’s employers and professionals. If you would like to learn more about our TalentGro program, including how our customizable training solutions can help you cultivate your ideal workforce, contact us today.

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