Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Staff Up Before the Holidays

 In HR and Management Tips

Often, companies rely heavily on short-term hires during the holidays. After all, many businesses experience dramatic seasonal upswings during the year’s later months and, without their contingent workforce, may struggle to keep up with demand.

As a result, Hamilton-Ryker wanted to take a moment not just to highlight how critical exceptional temporary employees are to a company’s success, but also discuss why now is the perfect time to start ramping up your workforce for the holidays. If you are wondering why now is the right time to begin, here’s what you need to know.

Scaling Up Is a Process

For most companies that have a peak season during the holidays, scaling up is a process. Demand increases on a curve, causing shifting workforce needs until it reaches its highest point.

By launching your contingent worker search now, you are preparing yourself for those initial shifts in demand. Additionally, you’ll give yourself the ability to bring new hires on board in waves, adding a new team member just as demand rises.

Essentially, by staffing up now, you can optimize your workforce augmentation. You’ll be able to access the precise amount of talent you need at the ideal moment, ensuring you can scale up without having to scramble.

Train Necessary Skills

Many short-term positions still require well-developed skill sets. By ramping up your contingent workforce now, you are giving yourself additional time to get the new employees ready for the job, all before demand reaches its peak. This is ideal if there is anything complex or unique about the position, as you can spend extra time ensuring competence in advance of your most hectic period.

Create Role Models

Employees often turn to each other when they have doubts about how to handle a task. By staffing up now, you can cultivate your initial candidates to serve as role models. You’ll have ample time to train them in the nuances of the positions. Then, when the next round of new hires comes on board, they can assist in guiding those temporary workers toward success.

Secure Top Talent

Many companies wait to bring on additional holiday employees. As a result, competition for the best and brightest can get fierce.

By staffing up now, you won’t be competing with as many seasonal employers. This may make it easier to access top-tier talent, as you’ll be one of only a few companies who are taking this proactive approach to holiday hiring.

Are You Ready to Start Ramping Up Your Staff for the Holidays?

At Hamilton-Ryker, we pride ourselves in offering flexible staffing services that meet the needs of today’s employers, allowing them to augment their staff and ensure holiday success. In addition, we can provide “Surge Training”, to quickly ramp up the necessary skills of your workforce.  If you would like to find out more about our robust offerings and how they can help you scale up in time for one of the busiest times of the year, contact us today.

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