Are Your Recruitment Marketing Pillars in Place?

 In Company News, HR and Management Tips, Leadership, Uncategorized

Today, employers are finding it increasingly challenging to access the talent they need to thrive. Labor shortages and skill gaps are pervasive, so competition for the best and brightest has never been fiercer.

As a result, companies need to go the extra mile when it comes to recruitment marketing. If your company doesn’t have the right pillars in place, it’s far harder to attract solid candidates when you need to fill a position. Here’s a look at the recruitment marketing pillars you need to harness, as well as how Hamilton-Ryker can help your company recruit more effectively.

Employer Branding

Candidates are increasingly discerning when it comes to employers. Many job seekers won’t submit an application to an open position without having some solid insights into what the company is like from the employee perspective. As a result, businesses need to develop an employer brand that highlights a compelling employer value proposition.

Often, the easiest way to begin is to showcase the details that are more relevant to candidates. Discussing benefits packages, perks, and the company’s culture is an excellent starting point. Couple that with overviews of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and a clear company mission and values, and you’re far more interesting as a potential employer.

Social Recruiting

Job seekers often use social media during their job search. In some cases, they simply use it to learn more about an organization before applying to a posting listed elsewhere. In others, they’re seeking out opportunities through social media platforms specifically and even applying using built-in tools.

Ideally, companies should use a multi-faceted approach to social media. Along with discussing available positions, use the platforms to provide candidates with value. Share tips, news, or insights that are relevant to their personal and professional lives. Additionally, participate in conversations – both through post comments and direct messages – to keep them engaged.

Career Sites

Career sites are a classic recruitment strategy, and they do remain relevant in the current landscape. While major job boards are a highly available option, don’t assume those alone will get the job done. Instead, make sure to post your open positions on a variety of websites.

Often, it’s best to begin with career pages on your company’s website and then branch out into others. For example, niche sites that target a specific field can provide substantial value. Similarly, partnering with a recruitment agency and getting your job ads listed on its website is an outstanding option, as it’s a resource commonly used by candidates that prefer working with a recruiter to find opportunities.

At Hamilton-Ryker, we believe in the power of using sound recruitment marketing strategies, and we use best practices like those above to ensure our client’s needs are met. When you partner with Hamilton-Ryker, you get access to skilled recruitment professionals who are adept at leveraging every pillar. Plus, we’ll customize our approach to meet your company’s needs, all while ensuring candidate engagement to increase your access to top talent.

How Hamilton-Ryker Helps You Recruit Better

If you’re ready for a different kind of recruitment experience, Hamilton-Ryker wants to hear from you. Contact us today.

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