New Year, New Career?

 In Career Advancement, Uncategorized

January is the start of a new cycle, and that can mean new beginnings. Why not harness that feeling to your benefit? As the new year approaches, many professionals feel the urge to spring into action and further their careers, so taking advantage of that inspiration to secure a new position, go after a promotion, or head in a new direction makes sense.

The tricky part of the equation is usually figuring out how to take those desires and translate them into an actionable plan. Fortunately, if you’re hoping for a new job or career in the coming year, there’s a straightforward multi-step process that can get you moving in the right direction. If you’re ready for a change, here’s how to make it happen.

Update Your Professional Brand

Today, finding a new job is about more than having the right skills and experience; you also need an enticing professional brand. Every resume you send, social media profile you have, and blog post you write makes an impression. Since that’s the case, taking the time to update every piece is essential if you’re looking for new job opportunities.

How you approach your rebranding may vary depending on your professional goals. If you’re hoping to advance your current career, update the content to ensure your most recent achievements and any newly acquired skills are covered in the content. For a career change, identify your transferable skills and showcase them prominently. You may also want to update your LinkedIn headline and summary to align with the field you’re targeting.

Leverage Your Network

Your professional network is a potent tool when you’re preparing for a job search. Along with being a potential source of referrals, members of your network can provide you with valuable insights that can help steer the direction of your upcoming job search.

Reach out to your contacts to learn more about the industries, roles, or employers you’re considering targeting. Find out about the benefits and drawbacks of various options, which skills are deemed essential, and other details that can put you on the path toward success. That will help you narrow down your choices, as well as ensure the next step is easier to manage.

Boost the Right Skills

Whether you’re aiming for the next position up on your current career ladder or want to shift into something new, you need to make sure that you bring the necessary capabilities to the table. Combine what you learned when speaking with your network with a bit of additional research. For example, you can review job descriptions in vacancy announcements to determine if there are specific skills you need to land the position.

Once you know what employers want to find, you can create a plan that lets you hone the right capabilities. Essentially, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re steering your professional development in the right direction, increasing the odds that you’ll be a strong match for your ideal job once it’s time to apply.

Connect with a Recruiter

Once it’s time to launch your job search, reach out to a recruitment agency to streamline the process. Along with getting quick access to a variety of opportunities, your recruiter will support and guide you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to find a career-boosting job that will help you achieve your professional goals in 2024 and beyond, Hamilton-Ryker wants to hear from you. Explore our job listings or contact one of our recruiters today.

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