The Raw Truth About Your Job Search

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Many candidates assume that they understand what a job search is all about, even if they’ve only sought new opportunities a few times in their lives. On the surface, the process seems simple. However, it inevitably comes with hurdles, some of which are startlingly difficult to clear.

By understanding the raw truth about your job search, you can get a realistic picture of what finding a new position involves. Plus, while you can tackle your job search on your own, it’s critical to realize that there is a better way.

Here’s what you need to know.

The Raw Truth About Your Job Search

Initially, the idea of landing a new position can be exciting. As a result, during the first few days of your job search, you’re incredibly enthusiastic as you peruse listings and spruce up your resume.

The problem is that feeling doesn’t typically last. In surprisingly short order, a job search turns from a fun adventure into a tedious, lonely, and overwhelming endeavor. Figuring out which positions are potentially a good fit is tricky, and you’ll spend a lot of time sifting through job ads that aren’t good matches.

Plus, you may send out dozens of resumes and never get any kind of response. One reason for that is job searches are often highly impersonal. Many companies rely on applicant tracking software (ATS) to do the initial screening. If your resume is filtered out because it didn’t contain enough keywords, then it is never viewed by a person.

Another reason for the impersonal feel is that hiring managers may struggle to engage with every single candidate. Some may not have the time because their staring at dozens, if not a hundred or more, resumes. Others simply don’t want to connect with anyone but the job seekers they invite in for interviews, causing them to ghost those that don’t fall in that category essentially.

There may be other factors that are making your job search harder, as well. For example, if you’re currently unemployed, you could be battling a stigma that makes it more challenging to land interviews.

Navigating all of these challenges as a candidate is never easy. Often, job seekers have very little experience in the world of recruitment and hiring, which puts them at a disadvantage every step of the way. Fortunately, there’s a better option than going it alone.

How Hamilton-Ryker Can Boost Your Job Search

By partnering with Hamilton-Ryker for your job search, you get an ally who can help you navigate the idiosyncrasies of finding a new position. Along with expert guidance to ensure your resume is on point and you’re fully prepared for interviews, our team prioritizes ongoing communication, ensuring you’re never left in the dark.

Additionally, our recruiters focus on finding right-fit positions at leading employers for candidates. We get to know you as a professional and person, allowing us to genuinely factor in your preferences and needs. Plus, we can help you gain access to unadvertised positions, and when we recommend candidates, resumes go directly into the hands of hiring managers, ensuring high-quality job seekers aren’t screened out by an ATS.

If you’re ready to experience a different kind of job search, the team at Hamilton-Ryker wants to hear from you. Contact us today.

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